That reminds me of the bizarre reactions conservative (not to mention narcissist & sociopath) relatives had to my wearing a lot of black. I was in my 30s when I learned from a cousin that my mother was "concerned" because I wore a lot of black.🙄 Gasp, a young creative wearing black! I suspected she was implying my mother thought I might be Satanic, despite my outing myself to her as Wiccan years before.
On the subject of wearing black--also when I was in my 30s--Evil Aunt Ethel once snapped, "There’s enough black in the world!" (She also frequently said overtly racist crap).
It boggles my mind. No matter how much narcissists and sociopaths who gobble up white supremacist heteropatriarchy wear pastels or bright blue clothing, it doesn't compensate for their absence of empathy and compassion or for their verbal and emotional abuse.