Texas Ignorance about Abortion

S. E. Wigget
3 min readApr 7, 2024

I just learned that 80% of women in Texas don’t know how devoid of abortion rights they actually are. How can you not know that?!?

A sign at a protest: “Abortion is a Human Right”

Mainstream U. S. news is terrible — it’s conservative and willfully ignorant and white male supremacist crap. It doesn’t cover abortion bans much, and it has too much “other sideism” that enables fascists. But there are plenty of options for genuine and honest reproductive rights news. I have no doubt that you can access them even in Texas.

I’m torn between “I should only be judging mainstream news” and thinking: No, actually, I’m also judging people who haven’t figured out yet that mainstream U. S. news is irresponsible corporate crap and you need to pay attention to news that ends with a .org (Democracy Now! and Truthout come immediately to mind) and news sources that specialize in reproductive rights… and wrongs.

Texas in particular has had an abortion ban for two years. People living in Texas (thank goddess I don’t) have had two years in which to know about the abortion ban and to learn the cruel details.



S. E. Wigget

Outside Medium, I mostly write fiction, especially paranormal and historical fantasy, under either S. E. Wigget or Susan E. Wigget.🌈 WhimsicalWords.Substack.co