Member-only story
Salzburg, Austria
During spring break 1988, I went with other students and parents and my German teacher to four German-speaking countries: Austria, West Germany, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein. The following is part of a series of travel journal excerpts.
Today we left Vienna. So many suitcases.
We stopped at a town, Melk, which went by another name, Linz. That wasn’t confusing at all.
We saw the foothills of the Alps…
… and we saw the Alps.
It’s amazing how much snow we came upon, when it didn’t even feel cold enough for the stuff. [The tour bus was probably heated.]
At Melk, we stopped to take pictures of a monastery and a river, after which a certain waltz was named. We stopped at the side of the road, near a Shell station (how romantic), walked on muddy ground on a narrow path between some trees and there it was: the Blue Danube. Oder der blau Donau, vieleich braun [Or the Blue Danube is maybe brown].