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Recommended Reading on Suffrage History
My dad and I traveled to Cambridge, Massachusetts in 2011 because his sister died unexpectedly. I lived in Portland, Oregon, and he lived in NW Indiana, an hour from Chicago. We visited Seneca Falls, New York, on the way back from Massachusetts.
Sequel to Suffragists & Seneca Falls
My most recent post was an account of the trip my dad and I took to Seneca Falls, NY, where we visited Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s house and the Women’s History Museum. I listed a few books I saw in the shop, but here is a much longer list. I delved into suffrage history in 2020.
Recommended Reading: Suffrage and Voting Rights
Aaron, Jane, and Ursula Masson. The Very Salt of Life: Welsh Women’s Political Writings from Chartism to Suffrage. Honno Classics, South Glemorgan, Wales: 2007.
Abrams, Stacey. Our Time is Now. Henry Holt & Company, NY: 2020.
Adams, Katherine H., and Michael L. Keene. After the Vote was Won: The Later Achievements of Fifteen Suffragists. McFarland & Company, Inc., Jefferson, North Carolina: 2010.
Anderson, Carol. One Person, No Vote: How Voter Suppression is Destroying Our Democracy. Bloomsbury Publishing, NY: 2018.
Aronson, Amy. Crystal Eastman: A Revolutionary Life. Oxford University Press, NY: 2020.