Member-only story
Knowth & Bru ná Bóinne Visitor’s Center
In July and August 2005, I spent two weeks in Ireland. Most of it was with a tour group via a public radio station, before I stayed at a Dublin hostel for three days.
I can hear seagulls from my hotel room. There are casement windows, and after I put on sunscreen I heard rain and took a peak out the window. Raining steadily. What a waste of sunscreen.
On the way to Bru ná Bóinne (or Bru na Boyne), we passed — just outside Dublin — an old church with a round tower and a beautiful cemetery. I particularly noticed a white marble effigy with a darker stone surrounding it, as a platform and roof with many columns surrounding the white figure. A small mausoleum was by it. It occurred to me that Tim Burton should use this scene in a film. He’d have a great time filming in Ireland. Maybe I should send him an e-mail. Mmm, maybe not.
During our one-hour drive from Dublin to Knowth, I enjoyed the scenery from the bus, such as old churches with round towers and old graveyards.
The drive was almost over when I watched out the window on the left side of the tour bus… and saw Newgrange on a hill in the distance. I gasped. Even from that distance…