Member-only story
Final Morning in Kathmandu
I visited India and Nepal for the first time on a Buddhist pilgrimage led by Shantum Seth in 2007. The following is from my 2008 trip to India, Nepal, and Tibet.
I had a dream that was science fiction-ish — there was a guy I met — I think while walking along the edge of a road — who wore Renaissance-looking clothing — he wore tall boots with breeches, a white shirt, a doublet that was a light green with light blue sleeves. He had shoulder-length blonde hair. Strangely, and disturbingly, he had no hands. He told me how he had materialized in some different alternate reality, I’m thinking a space station, and he got people’s sympathy because he didn’t have any hands. He was talking about this as we walked along the edge of a quiet country road.
Earlier in perhaps the same dream: I discovered this character on a website, and I was copying and pasting from it onto my own blog or website, but after doing so had misgivings — it seemed like stealing or plagiarism. It was a website in which he was giving scientific instructions of some sort.
On the surface, that dream didn’t seem like something I should dream in Nepal. But now that I’m awake, it makes sense. It’s about the situation with Shantum, namely the sense of guilt upon realizing that what I was doing might be plagiarism.