Member-only story
Empathy-Challenged Assholes
Empathy-challenged assholes all my life:
“Oh, you’re a female empath and you’re soooo nice! You’re a pushover! I can easily insult you to your face and put you down all I want! I can manipulate you all I want, and I love mind games! It’s your duty to be my doormat! And you’re so nice and stupid you won’t notice that I’m insulting and manipulative! I’m sure you’ve magically never met anyone who was as skilled at mind games as I am, even though you weren’t born yesterday! So I’m sure you won’t even notice! I can do all this without any consequences!”
Me first meeting empathy-challenged assholes: “Hello! How are you!”
Me after getting accustomed to empathy-challenged assholes: “Note to self: walk on eggshells. Do not trust.”
Me some months or years after meeting empathy-challenged assholes: “GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY SIGHT, PIECE OF SHIT.”
Rinse, repeat.
Rinse, repeat.
Rinse, repeat.
Clearly I need to be 100% a hermit instead of only 90% a hermit.