Member-only story
Cat Food Song
While preparing wet cat food, I sing to my cats. Or maybe it’s more like chanting. Recently I added more lines to the usual song.
Yummy, yummy wet food!
Don’t try to bury it.
Yummy, yummy wet food!
Don’t try to bury it.
Yummy, yummy wet food!
Don’t sit and stare at it.
Yummy, yummy wet food!
Don’t sit and stare at it.
Yummy, yummy wet food!
Don’t gobble it too fast!
Yummy, yummy wet food!
Don’t gobble it too fast!
Yummy, yummy wet food!
Don’t try to barf it up.
Yummy, yummy wet food!
Don’t try to barf it up.
Today I came up with… a parody of my own song:
Not so yummy rotting corpse!
Do go and bury it.
Not so yummy rotting corpse!
Do go and bury it.
I’ll definitely stick to writing fiction, not songs or poetry.
Spells and Enchantments is the first volume in my middle grade fantasy series Rowanwick Witches, which includes a talking cat, is available here: