A Buddhist Dream

S. E. Wigget
5 min readAug 28, 2022

I dreamed this the night before my trip to Ireland on July 26, 2005.

A photo I took at Sera Monastery, Tibet, in March 2008

Before waking to my alarm, I was having a dream in which I was at a Tibetan Buddhist temple in North America — at least I’m pretty sure it was this continent. The room was painted burgundy and was large, and there was a stage-like section at the front of the room where lamas wore brilliantly colored brocade robes. I sat in the front row center, about six feet back…



S. E. Wigget

Outside Medium, I mostly write fiction, especially paranormal and historical fantasy, under either S. E. Wigget or Susan E. Wigget.🌈 WhimsicalWords.Substack.co